As physical therapist we are regularly involved in motivating people with different backgrounds, personalities, and goals. The goal of this HPW blast cast series is to help physical therapy professionals keep up to date on current evidence and best practices related to motivating patients to adopt healthy behaviors. The series will include three blast casts. The purpose of this first blast cast is to highlight some resources that may be helpful to you in updating your knowledge related to behavior change theories and techniques. The planned purpose for the second blast cast is to acknowledge barriers physical therapist’s may face in implementing patient motivation best practices and discuss ideas for overcoming these barriers. The third, and final, blast cast in the series will be about motivating patients within a continuum of care with emphasis on physical therapy referral and partnerships with evidence-based chronic disease self-management programs.
In this first blast cast we have tried to offer a little something for everyone, whether it is in bite size or full meal portions, print or podcasts.
Models and Techniques for Health Behavior Change (Print Resources):
- Theories of behavior change. Communication for Governance and Accountability Program, The World Bank, Washington, DC. This easy to read document consists of overviews of contemporary behavior change theories as well as ways these theories may inform your practice.
Click on the link below to access the information (Note: cut/pasting the link may be necessary with some browsers):
The handbook of health behavior change. 3rd edition. Editors: SA Shumaker, JK Ockene, A Riekert. Springe Publishing Co, 2008.
A matter of motivationbyCharles Hayhurst. This PT in Motion article (August 2013) includes patient-centered practical tips and strategies for motivating behavior change in our patients, while being mindful of and sensitive to their stage of readiness for change.
Best practices for physical activity programs and behavior counseling in older adult populations. Cress ME, Buckner DM, Prohaska T, Rimmer J, Brown M, et al. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 13, pp 61-74; 2005. This article summarizes best practices for promoting physical activity in older adults, especially those with chronic disease and low levels of physical activity and fitness. Full text available through APTA’s Open Door.
Physical activity behavior change in persons with neurologic disorders: Overview and examples from Parkinson Disease and Multiple Sclerosis. Ellis T, Motl RW. Journal of Neurological Physical Therapy. 37, pp 85-89; 2013. This article summarizes current evidence on the prevalence of profound physical inactivity in individuals with physical disability, and the known benefits of physical activity for those with PD and MS. The Social Cognitive Theory is described suggested as an effective strategy for facilitating physical activity behavior change in these populations. Full text available to Neurology Section members.
Models and Techniques for Health Behavior Change (Audio Resources):
- APTA’s Health Behavior Change webpage includes podcasts, articles, and links to sites providing information and tools for PTs
- The APTA Learning Center offers a webinar “Motivating Patients: A Clinical Competency for PTs and PTAs
Special thanks to Gina Pariser, PT, PhD and Jen Sidelinker, PT, GCS for developing this Blast Cast. Anyone interested in assisting with future updates are welcome to contact Gina Pariser