APTA Geriatrics Journal Club


There are only two (2) more Journal Club events in 2023! The APTA Geriatrics Journal Club (JClub) is a bi-monthly, interactive, online forum for geriatric physical therapists seeking a clinician-friendly venue for learning about and discussing the clinical implications of recent geriatric rehabilitation research. If you haven’t registered for September or November, I’ve included the links, below.

September 19: https://aptageriatrics.org/webcast-details/?webcastId=FB9B2E4CE12212DB66694D6877F9D10D&eventid=4298065

November 14: https://aptageriatrics.org/webcast-details/?webcastId=7F3261F2CAC5658EAA251EF35A38C6FC&eventid=4298079


Make sure that you sign up for the September JCLUB – fascinating look at a practical way to incorporate perturbation training – instantly applicable to the clinical situation


Dr Okubo and Dr Eckert did an AMAZING job on the September Journal club!

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