Webinar Topics?

Good Morning! Are there any webinar topics you wish APTA Geriatrics would cover? The Online Education Committee is looking for your suggestions, please share them in this thread!

Hi. There is a ton of education out there regarding basic principles around interacting and communicating and managing behaviors with patients suffering from dementia. However, there is not much on how to adjust tests and measures, tailor interventions to provide the appropriate dose, write meaningful goals, or documenting to demonstrate progress for those with cognitive decline. Thanks for asking. Hope this helps. Jim


Thank you for your response, Jim. This is great!

How about fatigue- as a barrier to treatment, it’s multifactorial causes and how to manage, and how to modify interventions appropriately?


Thank you for your response @kara.rowley2 - I’ll add these to the list for the committee to find speakers for!

And maybe include an overview of fatigue measures, too.


Hi, Jim!
We are working on a Dementia webinar with speakers who created the Cognitive and Mental health toolkit, Dr. Rashelle Hoffman @rashellehoffman and Dr. Christy Ross. I hope this will be a helpful and clinically relevant topic for you!


Hello :slight_smile: I missed the Diabetes Webinar. Will that be repeated?

Hi @jennifer.seidl it will not be repeated, but the recording is available for purchase on this page! Webinars – APTA Geriatrics

Wondering is anyone is taking the GCS recertification exam starting in November?
Runzun Shetye

I see there is a new GOLD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease) guideline that came out in 2023 with some significant changes to prior updates. Lots of great information. Would be helpful to go over it as a group.


@runjhunr, you should connect with @rachael.waltonmouw who is our chair for the Geriatric Specialist Certification and Advanced Proficiency Pathways Committee, she can answer specific questions you may have. We’re working on putting together a specific GCS communication thread, so look for communication on that!

Also, we have several webinars that are archived related to GCS prep and we have several GCS prep webinars scheduled 11/2, 12/5, and 1/11 that you can register for here: Webinars – APTA Geriatrics

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Thank you, Ruth! I’ll get this added to the committee’s list of topics!

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Hi Dana,
These are great resources.
Thank you!

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Happy to help!

I would love to see more information and education on aging adults with developmental disabilities - we frequently see these patients often in our facility and would love more evidence-based material (as it is available) to better service these patients.

Thank you for your suggestion, I’ll add this to the list for our committee to review and consider.

I wonder if it would be useful to have a series on latest efforts of CMS and quality measures and reporting and PDPM and PDGM. Its not as exciting as some other topics, but is such a critical area of day to day practice.


Hi Jackie!
Re: Updates on Medicare. We have reached out to Ellen Strunk. Scheduled for this December.
Thanks! I believe this topic is very relevant.

As a member of APTA-MI’s conference committee since 2010, I would love if there was some kind of master list of contact info for those willing to present/speak at conferences and/or a place for states/chapters to post their upcoming conference(s) so others could consider submitting a proposal.

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