Welcome and Please, Introduce Yourself!

Thank you for being part of the APTA Geriatrics Forum rollout! In an effort to ensure the platform will meet the needs of all members, we’ve asked specific segments within APTA Geriatrics to test this forum prior to a full roll out to all members. Your engagement and involvement in this platform will help the Academy to understand parts about the platform and offering that may need clarification.

In an effort to get this discussion going, please reply to this message with the following information:

  • Name
  • State
  • How you can see volunteer Leaders of the Academy using this platform

It’s nice to meet you all!
Dana J. Murn, CAE
Associate Director

Hello my name is Alex Alexander and I am the cognitive and mental health SIG chair. I live in Nashville TN! I can see leadership using this forum as a way to discuss important topics, have quick communication, and share ideas where all can see! I can see leadership and those in AGPT using this to connect with other colleagues and using it as a space to share resources and start new projects.


Hello everyone, This is Joseph Siu from Nebraska. I am the APTA Geriatrics Liaisons to IPTOP (International Association of Physiotherapists working with Older People) and the leadership member of GHAA SIG. I like the forum to share quick note and information with up-to-dated information within APTA Geriatrics and APTA in general. Forum could be a great place to meet new and established members and build geriatrics-focused professional networks. It could also a great place to seek for professional advice and mentorship. Glad to the forum established. :slight_smile:


Hey, I’m excited!
Beth Black, PT
New Mexico
It looks like a great way to ask questions, network with others, connect in common interests, without using Facebook, Twitter, or other social media!


I am Lisa Hamilton DPT and I am the incoming Bone Health SIG Chair and also serve as co-leader/State Advocate for Montana. I am excited to be a part of this group and I also feel that the forum will be useful for networking and sharing information, requests, and collaboration.


Hi Beth! Excited to continue working with you in a new capacity!

Yes, I’m excited to collaborate in a new way together!

I am so excited to see this is LIVE! This is Cathy Ciolek, from Wilmington, Delaware. I hope members can use this to engage with each other and leadership to spread the value of geriatric physical therapy.


Welcome @alexpiersanti52209 @kcsiu @bblackpt @lisahamiltonpt and @CathyCiolek !


Hi everyone!
Minnie Rafael from Florida.
Part of APTA Geriatrics Nom Comm and member of a lot of APTA Geriatrics SIG.
This should be a great communication platform for all of us!


Hi everyone,
Missy Criss here from Pittsburgh PA. I am a co-chair of Evidence Based Documents and the incoming Residency and Fellowship SIG chair! I see this as filling the need we have had since the Yahoo group went away - people can post questions, share resources, etc.

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Hi. I’m Greg Hartley (Miami, FL; Vice President APTA Geriatrics). Nice to see this up and running and excited to learn about its potential to engage our members.

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Hello there.

My name is Heidi Moyer, recently relocated in San Angelo, Texas (but I still feel like a Chicagoan).

I’m currently the Chair of the BF SIG (or as I like to call it, the circus).


HI all! My name is Karen Blood and I am the chair of the Academic Education Committee. I live in CT and teach full time at Quinnipiac Univesity. Looking forward to having a way to connect!


Greeting! This is Minnie Rafael from Miami FL. I am currently with APTAG Nom Com and Online Education team =) Happy to connect!


Hi. Arvie Vitente here. Chair of the Evidence-based documents committee. Thank you for forming this forum.


Hey All,
I’m Kaelee Brockway from Keller Texas (in the DFW area). I’m the current Section Programming Chair for APTA Geriatrics and I teach full time at University for Saint Augustine for Health Sciences in Dallas, TX.

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Hi all! I’m Cathy Stucker from Milford, Maine. I am the Chair for the APTAG Health Promotion and Wellness SIG. Really looking forward to having a forum where ideas and experience can be shared!

Welcome @CStucker! It’s great to have you here! Thank you for posting!

Howdy everyone!
My name is Kathlene (Kat) Camp and I have served in several roles within the Bone Health SIG including Secretary, Vice Chair, and now transitioning to Chair. I work in a geriatric specialty clinical practice in Fort Worth, TX on the campus of the University of North Texas Health Science Center. I look forward to using this space to collaborate ideas across SIGs.