Thank you for being part of the APTA Geriatrics Forum rollout! In an effort to ensure the platform will meet the needs of all members, we’ve asked specific segments within APTA Geriatrics to test this forum prior to a full roll out to all members. Your engagement and involvement in this platform will help the Academy to understand parts about the platform and offering that may need clarification.
In an effort to get this discussion going, please reply to this message with the following information:
How you can see state advocates using this platform to collaborate
It’s nice to meet you all!
Dana J. Murn, CAE
Associate Director
Howard Eisenberg PT from NYC
I’m currently interested in PT’s getting to partner with the Pickleball senior world along with the goals of preparing individuals for safe play and injury management in order to keep senior adults playing as a regular part of a healthy lifestyle. Thoughts, comments, criticisms welcome.
Thanks for allowing us to take part!
Beth Castellini
Mid Region Coordinator
Exchanging ideas on all sorts of best practices — member engagement, developing content for State Chapter events, etc
Howard - in a perfect scenario — what would this look like? Classes by PT at a Community center specific about “safe play/injury management” or 1:1 sessions? My area is building more pickleball courts because of the number of people participating. Thanks!
Beth, the evidence demonstrates the tremendous growth of pickleball in this country in general and among seniors specifically. It comes along at a time when baby boomers have more time and a need to create healthy lifestyles during the decades post retirement. With the growth and attention given to pickleball as a game that’s easy to enjoy without the need to develop a high level of skill and the friendly atmosphere which seems to come naturally with the mix of genders and age, we have seen pickleball related injuries. Often this is due to the fact that many new players may not have participated in sporting activities for decades. Even if they participated in similar sports, and it may fall into the same category as “it’s like riding a bike”. However, if you haven’t ridden a bike in 3 decades, you don’t start with a 5k. This scenario sets Physical Therapy as the go to profession for advice, training and rehabilitation of senior pickleball players.
I’ve been working toward getting the NYC Parks & Recreation Department to offer a specific program for senior pickleball players. Some years ago, I arranged for a balance and falls prevention seminar at a local YMCA. I met with the owners of local PT offices and asked for their participation which included a 15 minute talk about balance and fall prevention in general and the a presentation of how their individual offices addressed this need. It gave them an opportunity to introduce themselves and their respective practices to the public. There was no charge on any end but they had the opportunity to market their service to an interested audience.
I am looking to replicate this model for senior pickleball players. The plan is to solicit PT offices near the particular Parks & Recreation Dept facility and allow a 15 minute talk on getting in shape to start playing, on-going training, areas in which to pay special attention (flexibility, balance, strength, aerobics, core work), and rehabilitation to get them back on the court safely and as quickly as possible.
This may expand into more specific future talks in each category depending on the needs of the attendee’s and will provide the opportunity to develop a practice for 1:1 sessions with the players.
The ultimate goal is to get physical therapists to have pickleball on their radar screens and the public to learn what we have to offer. This game is not going away.
I love the idea of setting up clinics close to PB facilities and in your attempts to engage these players. I believe PB played by older adults is an excellent way to get them more active, physically and socially. I’m a firm believer in the need to ‘Play Hard to Stay Safe’.
We should help them with staying safe while playing hard. We did a survey study and found that although older adults had falls and injuries while on the court, they actually reported less off-court falls compared to their aged ‘norms’.
I see State advocates using this to post resources, ask questions/seek advice, build networks and perhaps collaborate on initiatives or advocacy efforts with nearby states.
The second year MUSC DPT students utilized SAFE initiatives to work with Charleston SC athletes as a class project. Many of them were pickleball players.I will try again to get them to join APTA Geriatrics so they can communicate with you directly once students are included.
Barb Wilson PT,DPT
SC CoAdvocate
I started a separate thread about SAFE, still under State Advocates. I posted some about my experience and I know you all have a lot you could contribute also. @barbjwilson72@AGPTMIAdvocate@phillip.kilmer
Beth Black from Albuquerque, NM
New Mexico State Advocate
I hope we’ll use the Forum to share ideas, experiences about what has worked and not worked for each other, and to pick each other’s brain for problem solving. I think there is lots of potential for us to connect with each other!
Barb Wilson
South Carolina
Ask questions, promote collaboration, avoid re-invention by learning from others[quote=“dmurn-APTAgeriatrics, post:1, topic:32, full:true”]
Thank you for being part of the APTA Geriatrics Forum rollout! In an effort to ensure the platform will meet the needs of all members, we’ve asked specific segments within APTA Geriatrics to test this forum prior to a full roll out to all members. Your engagement and involvement in this platform will help the Academy to understand parts about the platform and offering that may need clarification.
In an effort to get this discussion going, please reply to this message with the following information:
How you can see state advocates using this platform to collaborate
It’s nice to meet you all!
Dana J. Murn, CAE
Associate Director