GCS Recertification Test

Has anyone taken the test to recertify for GCS? If so any tips?

I have not. Do you know if you get contacted when it is time to take it?

@rachael.waltonmouw would be a good resource!

I’m taking the recertification test this year as well - for the first time. I spoke to Brenda at ABPTS and she indicated that it is a take home exam that spans several months. I believe it is broken up into to smaller portions of 10 questions. I don’t have my notes in front of me from when I spoke to her, so please don’t quote me. :slight_smile: She’s a good resource if anyone has questions.


@kara.rowley2 I have received emails reminding me of recertification.

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@rachael.waltonmouw I will give Brenda a call but in the meantime if you get the chance could tell what you have written on your notes?

thank you