North Carolina APTA Geriatrics Members

Hey NC members!

I wanted to introduce myself as your state advocate. I’m Kristina Wolfe and I am located in Wake Forest, NC. I would love to connect with anyone in my state and determine if we should use the forum to communicate with one another or if developing a Facebook Group Page would be easier for everyone.

I’ll be sending out an email soon as well to get an accurate pulse on this idea.
Let me know your thoughts and where you’re from!

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Hi Kristina! Thanks so much for being the state advocate - it is much appreciated. I would prefer using the forum, I actually don’t have a facebook account.

Thank you


and I am based in Durham and have been a PT since 1997 - with a focus on healthy aging and injury prevention. I took a 4-year break from seeing patients to focus on education and technology and am starting to see patients again for a in-home medicare part B practice