February Good News Sound Off!

With Friday being the start of March (anyone else feel like February went very fast and very slow at the same time? :raising_hand_woman:t3:) we’d love to recap exciting things that happened this month.

The APTA Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) was a big one, however, we’d love to hear from you about other exciting things that happened during February personally or professionally! Sound off in the comments!

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Glad we had that extra day in February! Got so much more done! LOL! Both personally and professionally, CSM was impactful. Best CSM yet, and I have done more than 10 of them. Learned so much that I can apply to both management and patient care. Not to mention, I got to meet so many “Zoom Friends” and spend time with them. As for that extra day in February, got to celebrate a good friend’s wedding in St. Croix! I highly recommend it if you are looking for a place to totally drop off the grid and “relax” - scuba, snorkel, hike, and beach it.

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February was productive for being a month with so few days! I successfully lead 9 older adults through the first 6 movements in Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention and am looking forward to teaching them the next 6! In just that small amount of time (6 hours over 6 weeks) I could see an improvement in their SLS and FTSTS as well as their FES-I. I’m looking forward to nicer weather CONSISTENTLY in NC so I can provide this outdoors as well as the Walk With Ease program. Oh! And I signed up to be a volunteer for my local senior games.

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@JimMilaniPT your February sounds awesome! Glad to hear CSM was great and St. Croix sounds lovely!

@kristina that sounds amazing! Please keep us posted on how your 9 older adults do! Would love to know how that goes! Also, love that you signed up to volunteer for your local senior games!

February has been a whirlwind for sure! So grateful to have the opportunity to attend CSM. I particularly enjoyed the session on Challenging Balance Exercise Prescription which focused on using a more quantitative tool to measure balance exercise intensity. Arriving home we submitted our Self Evaluation Report for our developing geriatric PT Residency and will await a verdict come May.

Personally, this was my first trip away from my toddler and infant. They were excited to read all about Beanie the Boston Terrier’s trip around Boston with their new matching stuffed lobsters.

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@jennifer.mcgrath121 the first trip is tough when you’re leaving more than one, but I’m so happy you got to go to CSM! Please keep us posted on your report for developing geriatric PT Residency. We’re rooting for you! :tada: